to Gedalia Margolis
to Fievel Gluck
to Aron Shmedra
to Zecharye Pollak
to Sruli Abeless
to Nosson Halberstadt
to Hershy Scher
to Duvid Stroh
to Avrohom Schechter
to Yisroel Reichman
to Moti Hekelman
to Leivi Yitschok Hochhauser
to Yoshua Hochhauser
to Yoel Yitschk Matyas
to Simche Elias
to Yidel Herzka
to Leiby Leibowitz
to Cheskel Intrater
to Akive Held
to Jakov Yosef Schmelczer
to Eliezer Yosef Hoffman
to Jacob Issacharoff
to Yitzchock Moshe Stern
to Boruch Galandauer
to Yosef Benzion Fried
to Simche Grunwald
to Avrohom Shmiel Stern
to Avrohom Chaim Gratt
to Pinchos Solinsky
to Mendel Hager
to Efraim Lezer
to Yanki Ollech
to Fishel Adam
to Itcha Katz
to Moishe Grosz
to Hershel Lebrecht
to Mendel Tager
to Yakov Zvi Gertner
to Avrumi Wiesenfeld
to Shloime Breuer
to Mechel Grosz
to Yisroel Finkelstein
to Shmiel Shloime Hoffman
to Aron Lezer
to Moshe Shmiel Matyas
to Motty Margolis
to Yanki (Yakov Akiva) Stern
to Yossi Lowin
to Yisroel Shimon Wosner
to Avi Sugarwhite
to Nosson Dominitz
to Zvi Sieradzki
to Yitsy Posen
to Chaim Meir Miller
to Shloime Chaim Gluck
to Zevy Sprung
to Efraim Nowogrodski
to Moshe Monitz
to Harshel Braun
to Toli Elzas
to Avrumi Feld
to Yossi Feld
to Alan Rose
to Menashe Krausz
to Yossi Itzinger
to Yanki Klien
to Yehezkel Dezimitrovsky
to Mechel Buxbaum
to Howard Freeman
to Max Goldstein
to Nachi Katz
to Benzion Guttentag
to Martin Harris
to Aron Zvi Heilpern
to Yankel Pruim
to Shloime Zev Reichman
to Avrohom Frenkel
to Shia Yakov Reichman
to Chananya Rothbart
to Yaakov Opat
to Chaim Halvieim
to Moishe Roth
to Michael Bordon
to David Bordon
to Michoel Gehler
to Sruly Eckstein
to Chaim Strom
to Yirmi Bamberger
to Leser Frankel
to Mordechai Gefen
to Yide Yochanen Wosner
to Yitzi Lipszyc
to Janki Grunwald
to Yitzi Margolis
to Moshe Duvid Edelstein
to Uri Kliger
to Meir Raymond
to David Ciment
to Mordche Hersh Bindinger
to Pinches Mordche Wosner
to Yossi Gluck
to Yiddel Stern
to Moishe Yosef Ciment
to Avi Issacharoff
to Avrohom Reiner
to Yakev Shie Kernkraut
to Aron Teitelbaum
to Yakov Aron Abeless
to Boruch Weg
to Yoel Schreiber
to Avrohom Shmuel (Shmili) Stern
to Avraham Friedman
to Shulem Lerner
to Yakov Akiva (Kivi) Spitzer
to Elozor Ebert
to Ahron Leitner
to Shloime Schaechter
to Michoel Yochanon Stern